The Party Pen and Paper inkwell - Act One
- Kids beware, do not bump the benches because the ink has been filled by the janitor. - Take the pen and notebook. - Wet the tip of the pen in the ink and slowly draw a dash in the first square of the notebook. - See how you hold the pen ... you so. - Draw the line lightly otherwise it all falls on the ink sheet. - Oh, no, you see that spot was made on the paper, dip the tip of the pen in the ink and gently traced on the paper. - Well, well - Well! - Continue in the other squares throughout the first row.
The silent children traced with great commitment auctions, as the master had ordered. Suddenly a cry. - What happened! He fouled the book tells a child. - Do not cry, reassures the teacher, take the paper towel and carefully lay it on the page gently lift. - Here it is - a moment to dry and then continues to trace the other auctions, be careful not to other spots.
- You have completed the first line? - Spend per second.
- You have completed all? This is enough, clean the pen, put the pen in the box, you will complete the home page. Let me tell you a story, watch out!
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