were saying?
were saying that I was in Wanaka ... nice place .... after two nights there with my pops English, we left a rainy day in the direction of "ice"! I can sum it all by saying that I went through two national parks and their attractions with a deluge that even Noah's Ark 'All I could save .....! pero' nn raised me from visiting a glacier ... . passeggiatona with "rush" of rain in about an hour to arrive at the foot of a magnificent glacier! dungeon drought and 'continued to travel throughout the day ... always up to Hokitika in the rain ... . very nice resort 'beach in the middle anything that consists of 10 houses two hotels and little else! Li 'I let my pops and the day after giving birth only to grind another 500 km along a road that defines the Lonely Planet as one of the 10 roads' as beautiful in the world scenario! Wonderful .... after two days of the 100th km on the car and decide to stop back in Nelson ... a nice place for fishing ... and stay there 4 days ... going to the beach and walking through a beautiful National Park ..... meanwhile arrived in the north of the South Island .... my last stop before leaving the island park and go in the northern port town called Picton great ..... more 'or less as the square of Forli ... where ferries depart for Wellington ...! Carina and I also find it relaxing hostel and peaceful ... I will remember '! I stay one night and the day after I board for the 31/01 capital of nz! .. Check after 3 ½ hours to ship about an hour to find a ...' hostel and are already seven in the evening .... I do a tour and read! Today wake up early (as is now routine) and rental car for tomorrow and around the city 'which I think is pretty cute ... and relaxing for a capital Tomorrow will leave 'for the north ... I expect the land of hobbits and true .... maoritania asperem!
greetings and kisses!
picton ... the sky .... and do not pay the ticket!
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