Well ... we were down in Wellington and the fact that I had chartered the macchina.Bene, I will do soon ..... next morning, I go to car, take the keys, the machine load childbirth .... ... the first traffic light (at least 10 seconds have passed and 50 meters ).... it makes me sneeze, I open my eyes .... and .... e. ........ nn I was able to brake in time! Well, the incident is more 'stupid history, the more' fast and the most 'away from home ..... No adventure in the North Island could better start! ! The fact is that rammed the car in front which in turn buffers the front! Excellent! Nobody has 'hurt but you call the police ..... I fix everything in two hours .... also because' there was little challenge .... the cop tells me that I manage a fine of $ 150 that I have to pay before leaving the country! The problem is' another ..... I did not do a full coverage insurance. SO .. 'if you leave $ 1,500! They' $ 1,500 for a sneeze ...... uncle pear! I try not to get nervous too but that day grind type stuff and go 500 miles without stopping and almost never emanado, from time to time, some cursing in a mixture of English language and dialect of Romagna! Anyways 'in the evening I spent a bit but the fact is that inevitably I will have' see my travel plans! Well ... let's move on .... the usual ... evening arrival in Taupo town on the lake as much, nothing exciting, I sleep there and the next morning I leave for the center of maoritania: Rotoura! Landscape and 'beautiful and is' a particular area ... quiesta and' the area of \u200b\u200b.... hobbit hills green circular that surmounting one another! On the way, I find many natural hot springs as the lake of boiling mud "and a stream of sulphurous water, where I stop and take a quick bath ..... and the smell 'something unbearable! Arrive rotoura superturistica and I am a small town where if you want ... see the Maori you have to pay a lot of money for a tour with retirees and the declining number of Chinese ....... calls and after a couple of hours allotment to the north! Actually at this point jump all my plans and take the first road to the north .... where port in a country at random which then will not be 'so 'evil .... indeed! The village is called Tauranga and is' a town with a small harbor and a lot of beaches of golden sand near the "peaceful! Bello ... step 3 nights that I will need them all for finally subsided after the accident ..... unfortunately nn time my help and I do find three days of humidity 'and clouds! the morning of day 5 and' time to leave again ... this time I know the destination. .. and 'Raglan and e' a paradise for surfers and surf of New Zealand ....... the fact is I come and find a town (Very little more 'public gardens of Carpena) where the streets are named after brands of surf and winds ..... factory here turns up barefoot or in slippers! Find a hostel that looks more' oasis ... overlooking the beach with hammocks and a sauna where you can 'rent for the whole ride (which failed to make nn)! here supende step 2 nights in total relaxation and serenity'! Awesome but it 's already time to leave again to leave the car from them .... all'areoporto of Auckland (where I'll leave the zainone) allotment by bus to the center of the city '... my flight to Australia start' to only six in the morning SO ... the next 'ready to visit the city' more 'big .... the city of New Zealand' New Zealand where no one would want to live there! In I also understand why the few hours'.... looks like a miniature sydney cheap character and with very few interesting things! A duck giant size of the harbor and docked 'was chosen by me, the most' beautiful, 'and more fun' useful to the city .... imagine the rest!!
leave New Zealand and a bit sorry .... beautiful place where nature has all his best footage of variety '... through the half-deserted streets of the two islands appears to be back by thousands of years .... with the almost untouched nature of the variety 'of landscapes that go from the glaciers that reach the ocean, the lakes of blue water and green hills to get to the volcanoes and a semi-desert and tondissime hot in the bush where the center is by chance a mountain with a glacier in its peak! Truly spectacular! Say not 'However, we recommend' to those who suffer from loneliness ... and maybe this' what really fascinated!
Now I'm in the library where I arrived in Melbourne two days ago .... at first glance it seems a beautiful city '... nothing to do with the beauty of Sydney and at the same time with more' nature and art the capital of NSW! sparrow ... 'these five days to wander the streets and alleys of the city' ... but the next step and 'already been set .......... I just have to sightseeing!
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