Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bleeding Heavy After Period Has Ended

I pray for them

I pray for my kids,
because San Nicola di Bari
together the pieces of their spirits
and to create their normal lives,
as that of others,
happy and without major problems.
For the dear children of my heart
also pray in your church,
San Nicola di Bari ,
protector of the defenseless
that our society has made pieces.
Goddess Bea

protector of children, orphaned girls, girls who wish to marry, the sailors. E 'invoked against famine, pestilence, disease, storms. Born around the year 245 and died in 334 or so. He was bishop of Myra in Turkey. From 1087 the relics of St. Nicola preserved in the Basilica, erected in his honor in Bari


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