Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Many Days Do You See Fertile Mucus?

.... ticking ...

Pick up your blog after a lot of time .... in reality 'was there to pound on the recent events like New Year and related ... but time is slipping from my hands! Well yes .... I realized just now that by now are 4 months away from home and are in a land far away from Bell'Italia! Well ... 4 .... flew away quickly when I think of now but very slow at times ..... because it 's nice to be here but some "minicrisi" sooner or later you have it always depends ... how to address it! Mini crisis intend to spend the Christmas holidays and New Year away from the people you care about and away from the friends with whom you have always passed these moments ...! Besides, for me and 'the first time I'm so 'so far from home and a bit of sadness in these moments and' plausible ... but 'now I'm thinkin 'only goal of the travel and stop working for a while ... So' my mind focused and above all the future overshadows the remoteness and lack of loved ones by my side! There 's also to say here now that I have a lot of friends to whom I owe a lot and I love that .... nn was asked and nothing but me and 'given tanto.Cosi' I am now in a moment of feeling a bit contrasting one part .... super excited for my departure and the future discovery of a nation that, by all accounts, and 'one of their most' beautiful and pristine in the world .... on the other hand the fact leave a place that cared for me for 4 months with attached friends, places and circumstances that I will remember 'all my life .... certainly makes me feel ... also a bit sad 'cause this (as I already said in previous post) it felt a bit like a second home .... Oh well' ... will be 'worse next Tuesday when I will have to' take the plane ... now I try to throw myself in too deep No '!
For the rest .... and New Year 'went pretty well ... of course I worked until 8 o'clock in the evening .... emmezza then run across the city' by metro and bus ... . where the others had taken place in a park on the bay right in front of Harbour Bridge ... where the night would have kept the famous fireworks! say held the posts' cause Syd during New Year's is pouring millions of people to see these famed fireworks ... and all the parks in the bay are full of people that seems to be in China for their New Year! They 'fires are perhaps the most' beautiful in the world .... 12 minutes of rockets that illuminate the whole city 'and the bay .... coming to an end with a choreography on deck most 'famous in Australia ... where it seems that this is fire! Awesome .... if you have time and are curious look at the video on youtube ... awesome!
There 's also say that the fires on nn remember SO much' I can hardly tell what it 'round the night ... but' I think good!
Meanwhile in Australia the weather takes its toll in some strange ways ..... normally at this time, the island is' plagued by fires that devastate km of forest and bush this year ... time has seen fit to change the rules and, in the north, there have been incredible flood victims who have done well here in syd and it's raining or at least 10 minutes of rain makes it all the days of a month now .... there was something strange because I'm here ..... just a thought but No cataclysm of the kind!
Well what to say regarding the work so good ... my boss and my colleagues have proved exquisite .... people are treating me very well despite having spent two days working on .... My boss loses nn nn opportunity to tell me that she finds another can do what I did with a smile and always try to make me change my mind .... keep giving me the second pay raise ... and these things are really like ... ... it means that at least I have engaged in what I did ... and I managed to get me to love! To tell the truth 'I am done a nice ass in these 3 months of work .... and when you put that Nos also have never arrived late and I've always done everything and I 'was never asked to blurt or ugly faces ... well i deserved it a bit! During this work experience I learned a lot .... as well as the job itself ... especially in morals .... I realized that if your boss treats you well, understands you and makes you feel an important player of his team in exchange for ... well you do everything to make him happy ... even do the work of "shit" with a smile on your face or work 10 hours a day without thinking about what they are doing while your friends ...! no matter what you're doing ... and the important 'for whom and for what you do ...... this moves everything!
Now I go ... I leave you ... I have to go to an office downtown to fill out forms for me to give back the taxes that my employers have paid for me ..... it comes to $ 1500 nn and peanuts! Here if you work less than a year and then come home to you them giving new tax money back ..... yeah ... just like in Italy!

..... from now on and I remember we camera nn 's nothing!


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