Monday, April 19, 2010

How To Get A Bonus With The Navy

Charter pen and ink - Act Three

- Good morning children. Been in place in order. - I recommend the best cleaning, you must keep the apron always clean - on your hands, my hands should be washed well. - And the well-combed hair and clean - Beware of some animal. - From tomorrow before beginning the lesson, I will check if you are very clean. - Michele, you have not fastened the bow. - Mauro, where you placed your hands. - Attention, hygiene is very important to feel good in your and other solute.
- Resume writing exercises. - Take from the folder the notebook and pen. - Today we will take a little frame of the page notebook, you see, well, a dash in a box and three leaves, each in a square, here as I have drawn on the blackboard .- Okay, piano, with a light touch, without staining the paper, continue on the first two lines.
- Be careful not need to get out from the margins. - Master the dash I put in another box. - Let's see, we try to fix, so, be careful not to make mistakes anymore. - Who has finished top of the page should continue repeating patterns in the first of the top line as well. - Then continue doing the doodles in the last of the top, then add the two columns with a bottom line. Children with attention
running the task assigned to them.
- Today, children go to the gym. - On the first row in front of me, the second row next to the first, third, next to the second. - Peter You're taller, get behind, the lowest forward. - Lift the right arm, this, and place it on the shoulder of who's ahead, this is the distance that you must have when you passed. - Let's go to the gym!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Travesties And Las Vegas


While the children were exercised to use the pen with rods, sticks, rings, Frames designed the notebook, the teacher told anecdotes, fairy tales, making the children repeat. Displayed objects by defining them in Italian. Was to create a certain harmony within the class: there were children who, as a family of employees or professionals, they spoke in Italian and in contact with others learned the words in dialect, there were many boys who, the children of workers or peasants , spoke only in dialect and struggled to speak Italian. Mario disentangle between the two languages, because his father, a small farmer and illiterate, had difficulty speaking in Italian, which also included, and when he was forced to speak Italian in a language he did it with his staff while he was in the company other farmers, having to express a word in Italian, the vowels changed in order to make the language assonant dialect. The mother, who had attended primary school, could read and write and are often devoted to reading some books that happens try not to let the children speak in dialect, but had to give up when he talked with his dad.
The teacher every morning, children exercise was to write a page in one of b, each day a letter be written on a page in the classroom, on another home. Then he began to compose the words to be repeated ten to twenty times, those who encounter difficulties was forced to repeat the exercise several times.
The children learned a common language, called the same name objects and people around you, be linked them, and that feeling of sympathy that binds the children, it becomes clearer, more understandable, more solid. He formed a new small community.